Sherry’s Run Connects A Caring Community With Those Who Are Hurting
WILSON COUNTY, TN – August 14, 2012 — When Katherine Evins of Red Boiling Springs read an article in the local newspaper about Sherry’s Run, she immediately called the Sherry’s Run office and volunteered to share her family’s personal story to help raise awareness of the organization and to connect with other families who might need the services offered by the very special people at Sherry’s Run.
Their life together began when Carlis met a pretty girl named Katherine at a dance in 1962. He knew she was special…….so special that he rode his bicycle down from Kentucky each week to visit her. At the ages of 16 and 17 respectively, Katherine & Carlis got married because they knew their love for each other was the real thing. They have been blessed with 7 children, 14 grandchildren, 20+ great-grandchildren, and will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on December 8, 2012. When Carlis was asked what was his favorite thing about Katherine, without hesitation he simply replied “everything”. Their abiding love has sustained them through Katherine’s diagnosis of cervical cancer with surgery and chemotherapy twelve years ago and the sudden death of a daughter this summer, and it is ever so evident now as Carlis is battling cancer.
An office visit with his personal doctor for a seemingly unrelated issue in April, 2012, led to a diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Carlis was told he needed chemotherapy and radiation. For a shorter commute, Carlis was referred to physicians in Lebanon and began the weekly trips from Macon County to Lebanon for treatment. Carlis could drive the 48 miles to Lebanon, but after a treatment he was not physically able to make the long drive back home. Katherine doesn’t drive, so a member of his family accompanies them for each treatment & doctor visit. Carlis returns to Vanderbilt next week for follow-up tests and is tentatively scheduled for surgery in September.
The Evins couple has worked hard to provide for their family. Carlis worked for the Red Boiling Springs Water Department for 25 years. He and Katherine were looking forward to their retirement years together filled with grandchildren and sharing watermelons and cantaloupes from their garden. However, the travel expenses, extra medical costs, and hospitalizations from treatment complications began to strain their retirement budget. Carlis and Katherine were so appreciative when the Macon HELPS program provided gas cards to defray some of their travel expenses, but each month presented an ever-increasing financial struggle. The staff at Tennessee Oncology suggested that they contact Sherry’s Run.
Kathy Fyke of Sherry’s Run met with Carlis & Katherine and immediately noted that they were a very positive and close-knit family but were really struggling — grieving the loss of their daughter, worried about Carlis’s health, and trying to deal with all the unexpected expenses created by ongoing cancer treatment. Carlis told her this was the one time they really needed help. Sherry’s Run offered them this help. They provided grocery and gas cards, help with utility bills and their house payment. Katherine shared this comment “When our daughter Kay passed away suddenly this summer, you were so kind and caring. I don’t know what we would have done — we could not have made it without Sherry’s Run. You have to make every dollar count in our budget, and all the travel and medical expenses made it very hard on our family. Sherry’s Run gives hope, and the financial support is such a gift when times are hard”.
The Evins family is a great example of how Sherry’s Run makes the connection between the caring members of our community who want to help others and those who are hurting and need financial help while battling cancer. Easing the financial burden allows the patient and his/her family to focus on their treatment plan and the healing process. Sherry’s Run supporters are truly making a difference in the lives of people right here in our community.
The ninth annual Sherry’s Run is scheduled for Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. in Lebanon, beside the main office of Wilson Bank & Trust, 623 West Main Street. Mark your calendar and make a commitment to join us. Registration is open now. Log on to to sign up.
The mission of Sherry’s Run: Through faith and love create an environment for all those affected by cancer, which provides hope, knowledge, assistance, support and compassion. To learn more about Sherry’s Run or to refer someone who might qualify for assistance, please call 615-925-2592 or visit