Sherry’s Run Patient Has Life-Saving Message

Tammie Mitchell of Lebanon, Tennessee has an important question to ask you. It is the same question she asks her friends, family and
almost everyone she meets on a daily basis. “Do you have a family history of colon cancer? If so, have you had a colonoscopy?”
In 2014, Tammie was busy living her life. She was a 47 year old grandmother raising three precious grandchildren, and back in school learning to be a chef. Life was busy, so she was tired and run down, like most of us. Tammie knew that her father had died of colon cancer, but she had no symptoms.
When Tammie did see a doctor, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Of course, the news was devastating for her family and especially her husband of ten years, Dennis. However, when you meet this inspiring couple, you would never know the battle they are facing. They have truly taken a difficult situation and used it for good in every possible way.
The change began for them when they were introduced to the Wilson County faith-based non-profit: Sherry’s Run. “I didn’t know how we were going to make it,” says Mitchell. “When Tonyia contacted me, I just kept thinking why would anyone do this for us without wanting something in return?”
“Tammie and Dennis are the reason that our supporters are so willing to give,” says Tonyia Watson, Director of Patient Assistance for Sherry’s Run. “They are so appreciative for everything they receive and are constantly looking for ways to give back.”
Throughout the treatment process, Tammie has had the opportunity to meet other patients and hear their stories. She was so moved by the way that Sherry’s Run has blessed her life and wanted to do something to bless the lives of others. “Sherry’s Run has given me a purpose again,” says Mitchell.
With her newfound purpose, she has begun a ministry preparing care packages for other patients. When she casually mentioned the idea to her friend, Jeanette Reed, she also jumped on board and now Tammie has a whole team of friends contributing to the project. The kits contain items like shampoo, dish soap, lotion and other basic necessities and will be distributed to Sherry’s Run patients throughout the year.
But Tammie’s positive energy does not stop there. In fact, Tammie has made it her mission to save everyone she knows from facing this same battle; beginning at home. Dennis also has a family history of colon cancer, but has never had any symptoms. Soon after Tammie’s diagnosis, he scheduled a colonoscopy. Four pre-cancerous polyps were found and Dennis’ life was likely saved! Now they ask everyone they know if they have been tested.
How about you? If you are 50 years of age or have a family history of colon cancer, please talk with your doctor and schedule your colonoscopy. For everyone else, Sherry’s Run provides FREE test kits upon request. They are simple and easy to use and have saved many lives. This year, as an extra incentive, everyone who returns their test kit in the months of March and April will be entered in a drawing to win a FREE iPad thanks to our friend Jeff Hallums at Discover Realty and Auction. Call or text your name and address to 615-925-2592 to request your test kit today. Why not request two and join Tammie in sharing this life-saving message?
The twelfth annual Sherry’s Run is scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. at 623 West Main Street, Lebanon. Mark your calendar and make a commitment to join us. Your support allows us to assist cancer patients 52 weeks a year with gas, groceries, utility bills, housing payments, prescription assistance, health insurance premiums, medical bills, and colonoscopy assistance.
To learn more about Sherry’s Run, please call 615-925-2592. To refer someone who might qualify for assistance, please call 615-925-9932 or visit